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Immigration program Apply now! The year 2024 eDV entry form, eDV-2026 Program: Green Card lottery Online Registration DV-2026 Program: The revised online registration period for the eDV-2026 Program begins on January and concludes on November 5, 2024. Individuals who submit more than one entry during the registration period will be disqualified. to Electronic Diversity Visa Lottery * Entry Form (eDV Entry Form). The Green Card US GLOBAL offers professional help with the eDV lottery, Green Card Entry Form (eDV Entry Form), also known as Electronic Diversity Visa Lottery, process. Millions of Applications are disqualified every year due to format and content errors. Countless others are disqualified for filing too late. Do not let this happen to you, especially if you are filing an application from overseas. The staff at The Green Card US GLOBAL will carefully prepare and correctly submit your application. We guarantee that your application will not be rejected for failure to comply with the strict eDV entry form lottery requirements as set forth by the USA GOV Department of State. eDV GREEN CARD LOTTERY Information Green Card Lottery Visa Application! Green Card Lottery Application, of the current year 2024 eDV-2026 Program. Diversity Immigrant program of USA. -
Testimonials of eDV Green Card lottery Winners What is a Green Card? A Green Card is a US permanent residence visa. It allows you to live and work permanently and legally in the United States.Read more →
Why is the lottery held? The Green Card Lottery is intended to increase the diversity of the US population. Natives of countries with historically low immigration rates into the US are encouraged to participate. The annual eDV Green Card lottery * program is a good opportunity for potential immigrants to obtain the status as a permanent legal resident of the USA. This program runs each year and provides 50,000 "Green Cards" to applicants randomly selected in a lottery process - known as Green Card Lottery. Green Card Lottery Application, US immigration, US Visas & Citizenship Information. -
What is the Green Card Lottery? + The Green Card Lottery is formally known as the Diversity Immigrant Visa Lottery Program and is administered by the US Department of State. It was created by an act of Congress, the Immigration Act of 1990. The program allocates a specified number of visas, "Green Cards," to applicants from certain countries around the world. Although the statute actually mandates availability of 55,000 visas, The Nicaraguan and Central American Relief Act ("NCARA") passed by Congress in November 1997 stipulates that beginning with DV-99, and for as long as necessary, 5,000 annually-allocated diversity visas will be made available for use under the NCARA Program. Therefore, there are 50,000 visas available. Winners of the lottery are chosen in a random drawing conducted by the US State Department. The text of the law is available for you to read.
Register to eDV entry form for eDV Green Card lottery* Application
In order to be able submit your eDV form Green Card Lottery Application, edit DV Green Lottery Application form data, please register for your eDV Green Card Lottery Application following above *Register* web link, located at Header of current web page. afterward will be able to exchange Help Desk support information, view member resources on full access mode, and more. Apply now →
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If you are already registered as qualified member for eDV form of Green Card Lottery Application program, please log in by following
*Log in* web link, located at Header of current web page.
Otherwise, The Green Card US GLOBAL welcomes to the new eDV form of Green Card Lottery Application Members. To access the various resource of the Member's Area sections, you must be a member in good standing with The Green Card US GLOBAL. Usually, as Casual Subscriber of the The Green Card US GLOBAL, you do not qualify for access to the member's area on full access mode. After complete eDV form Green Card Lottery Registration, including payments of services, you will receive further confirmation email, including receipt, instructions about your eDV form of Green Card Lottery Application, how to proceed data of family members with principal Applicant of eDV Green Card Lottery Application form, including photographs all of family members, and so on.
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Updates and Results of eDV entry form Diversity Immigrant Visa lottery* Program The Consular Center in Kentucky, has registered and notified the winners of the eDV-2026 diversity lottery. The diversity lottery was conducted under the terms of section 203(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act... Press ReleaseseDV-2026 Results →
Remarks by Secretary of State Department
Updates of eDV entry form and eDV Green card lottery* registration eDV-2026 entry form news. The year 2024, eDV entry form, eDV-2026 Program: Green Card lottery Online Registration eDV-2026 Program: The revised online registration period for the eDV-2026 Program begins on January and concludes on November 5, 2024. Individuals who submit more than one entry during the registration period will be disqualified. eDV entry Green card lottery* Updates of The eDV Green Card lottery* online entry registration about current eDV-2026 program... Press BriefingseDV-2026 news →
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